The 9 months of work were to culminate in us hosting Thanksgiving for the Crawford family - Mom, Dad, Molly, Noel, Johnathan, Carl, Elliott, Mac, Amy, Jessica, Makayla, Millie, Kevin, Paul, Anslee, Kirby, the bulldog, and Chloe, the dachshund. Here's proof we did it!!

Yes Millie, the stove actually works! Don't look so surprised.

Even the younger ones helped make a mess in the kitchen.

Getting it all on the table.

The gang's all here. (Except those of us taking photos.)

Entertainment was provided by Wii. Here are Mom and Molly playing hand bells to Wii Music. Millie is conducting.

A bowling tournament got everyone involved. Here's Dad wondering how he missed that strike.

Of course, the big "backyard" needed exploring.
Paul and Anslee are demonstrating what Taylor and Marsha
would like to do for the next 3 months!

Nice posting, but must you show my daughter's underwear. And where is the picture of Kirby?
Mom has a great picture of Anslee and Elliott holding the pizza with a GREAT view of the mess we made to your AWESOME kitchen.
We sure had a great time!
And? Kirby???
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