Often we become so fixated on the goals we set for ourselves in our various workshops that we forget that much is happening just outside the window. I know that behind me, for example, in another room waits a door wanting its case molding and a bathroom in need of a water hook up.
But through the screen, just there on the left is the bamboo in my back yard that grows 30 feet tall, under which the chickens love to scratch. Beneath its litter of long lancate leaves peek the handful of emerging shoots that will slowly build themselves skyward this summer. They too are taking care of business.
Behing the workshop a colony of golden paper wasps set up house inside the fill tank of an old toilet. I was meaning to take it to the well house but I never seemed to have time to get out there and move it. I finally did, hoping that the wasps would stay calm enough while I moved it that a quick trip to the medicine cabinet would not be necessary. I survived and am hoping that this years crop of caterpillars will be greatly diminished because of my neighborly attitude to our local population of Polistes.
So many things are happening out there beyond the workshop window. I'm going to have to get out there with the camera and take a few snap shots for posterity.
Remember to get out there yourself and take a look around sometime, but be sure to stand clear of the stinging things.
1 comment:
Love it. We miss you guys. Glad that you are seeing the good things in life. A&S in Germany
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