We were most encouraged the last week of October when Mom and Dad came to visit, and we took an extra day off to work. I failed to get any photos of Mom and Dad working! They helped me with the large bookcase which will hold our entertainment systems. Dad stripped and sanded shelves while Mom and I painted the cabinet part. We also did some yard work which I have fallen desperately behind in. Also, Mom and I volunteered at Halloween on the Harbor. Here we are in our costumes:
While the rest of us were doing easy projects, Taylor worked on knocking out the opening for the walk-through from the kitchen to the room and also the opening for the pass-through between the 2 rooms. Here are the photos:
You can just make out Taylor's white shirt and overalls.
As soon as we had the hole, Euni had to get on the counter to check it out. He's not allowed on the counters and is usually very good about this, but it was just too interesting to ignore.
Here's Taylor working on the last of the electrical.
Here are the 2 openings framed-out and sheetrocked with 3 new pendant lights
hanging above what will be a counter.
Here is the front wall which we finally were able to sheetrock this weekend! We had to wait for a Jeldwen contractor to install a new door because the one we installed was defective and the wood began to split. However, the company was great and took care of the problem with very little hassle on our part. Then, we had to get our final wind storm inspection. Piece of cake!!
hanging above what will be a counter.